If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster. -Isaac Asimov
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Wish Bone, The Back Bone, The Funny Bone
Yes another one of my favorite quotes. As you can see, I'm a huge fan of quotes and this has to be one of the truest quotes. Thank you Luis for reminding me about this quote today.
We go through life worrying about things that can over take our lives. I am one of those people. We need to step back and look at the overall big picture and capture the true essence of what life means to us as individuals. Some go through life wanting the mighty green dollar. Some go through life wondering where the next big party is going to be. It's different for everybody. No matter what life means to you, everybody wants to be successful at one point or another. I think having that wish bone, back bone and funny bone allow you to get through life without weighing yourself down on little things that can devastate you or keep you from sleeping.
The Wish Bone: We all must have the ability to dream. Without dreams, we have no goals or aspirations. Randy Pausch's famous lecture talked about following your child hood dreams and trying to strive for those goals. One of my dreams is to be a major league baseball player for the Dodgers. Now I know that I'll never play 3rd base for the Dodgers today, but having that dream allows me to be a better manager. I use the team mate mentality and the team effort style to help manage my employees at work. It also allows me to use that dream to reach goals in my career and life. To me, being a Dodger doesn't mean I have to be on the field, it means being successful, happy and goal orientated. Set goals for yourself. Make a road map on where you want to go and where you want to be. The winds of life always change directions, it's how you set your sails that will get you to that place.
The Back Bone: Nice guys finish last. As a nice guy, I know this is true. You need to nut up sometimes and use your back bone. You need to stand up for your beliefs and don't let others bring you down. If it is something you believe in, something you're passionate about, you must stick up for that. People will use you for your weakness and manipulate you. They will persuade you on your beliefs if you do not stick up for them.
The Funny Bone: Laugh once in a while! You can not get through this cruel life without having a laugh. Work, life, career, finance, health and other factors can really put some stress on a person. You have to learn how to laugh. You must also laugh at your mistakes and shake it off and move on. Negative vibes can ruin you, your loved ones and people you work with. When you set off negative feelings, people don't want to be around you. Think about it, do you want to be around a person that's constantly negative? Do you want to be around a person who things the world sucks and that everybody sucks? I don't. Live a little and laugh. We are all going to go through some rough times. We're going to hit the bottom at least once in life. However, you will recover. You need to learn how to learn from that mistake and fix it. Once you fix it, I guarantee you'll look back at it and laugh. Laughter is the best cure for everything!
With that in mind, I hope you get inspired somehow. Stay positive. Without hope, strength and enjoyment, you will let this cruel world take over you. Find ways to navigate out of that rut and live life to it's fullest. Life is too short to think about the 'what if's'.
Peace and luv
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Taking The Red Pill Or Blue Pill
I've recently started second guessing myself a lot recently. Without airing out too much dirty laundry, I'll try to vent it as much as possible. I've recently inherited a new role where I'm managing a lot of new adventures. That includes work, finance and caring for my elderly mom and aunt. Needless to say I need help but who can I turn to? Pretty much nobody. Its like the pile is growing at an alarming rate and I can't keep up. Though positive thoughts and inspiration keeps me going I have a feeling one day its going to come crashing down. I read and research solutions but then turning to those solutions start make me second guess myself again. I guess it is true when they say life isn't easy. We must look ahead and work at those solutions. There are road blocks everyday but I try to steer away from them and try to find inspiration. Life isn't what it was 10 years ago. I guess adjusting and tackling issues is the only way to get by nowadays. Like Rev Run says, don't look back. The windshield is always bigger than the rear view mirror.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Stop fretting about the past! Don't look back ppl! (rememba!) The windshield will always be bigger than da rear view mirror!" Rev Run
We find ourselves holding grudges or dwelling on events from the past. Harboring negative emotions or not solving your issue can be unhealthy and taint your quality of life. If you have issues, there is nothing preventing you from fixing it. The only thing that prevents you from fixing it is yourself or your lack of motivation. Having a lack of motivation get the best of you can lead you to worse situations.
Holding grudges against other people can be emotionally draining. Isn't life too short to hold these grudges. Yes, we run into people everyday that can piss you off. However, you have to be the bigger person and shake that off and try to understand that person's point of view. Maybe you're not agreeing with their way of thinking so take the time and understand how that person came up with that particular conclusion. Once you look at that, try to rebuild that relationship and move forward. Learn from that and maybe that person you're dissagreeing with will also understand your point of view. Yelling and throwing tantrums do not solve anything. What it does is make you look like a bigger jackass. Use the power of words and things will work out.
Just remember, don't look back. Our lives and dreams always move forward so look straight ahead. You will encounter roadblocks and dissappointments, but you have to learn how to navigate through that road.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Pit Bulls - A True Companion

"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn't care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his. It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not." - Marley and Me
Many of you know my dog Peanut. She's loveable, loyal, friendly and fun....and she's a Pit Bull!! When people hear the word pit bull, they tend to cringe. "Why would you get a pit bull?" is a question I'm often asked. "Has she bitten you?", "Has she bitten anybody?", those are some other famous questions. Or often, I see people walking away from her due to fear. It's sad how the media has constructed a bad rap against this breed. Turn on the news and you'll hear about people being mauled by pit bulls. They just love to show kids being bit in the face also. California is trying to pass a law to ban the pit bull breed. Why? Again because of bad media and irresponsible owners. Let me educate you about pit bulls before you past judgement again about the breed:
1. Pit Bulls are commonly used as therapy dogs. Whether they are visiting a senior care facility or helping someone recover from an emotional accident, Pit Bulls are making a mark as outstanding therapy dogs.
2. Pit Bulls are used in Search and Rescue work. One example of well known SAR Pit Bulls is Kris Crawford and her dogs. Kris and her dogs have helped save the lives of many people during their efforts. http://www.ForPitsSake.org
3. Pit Bulls serve as narcotic and bomb sniffing dogs. One Pit Bull, Popsicle (named that because he was found in an old freezer) has the largest recorded single drug find in Texas history. Read more about Popsicle here. Including how he found over 3,000 lbs of cocaine in Hildago, Texas.
4. Pit Bulls are great with kids. They weren't referred to as the "nanny's dog" for nothing that's for sure.
5. Pit Bulls are not human aggressive. The American Pit Bull Terrier as a breed is not human aggressive. In fact, quite the opposite is true of the breed. They are gentle and loving dogs. Like any dog individuals can be unsound and have behavior problems.
6. The Pit Bull was so popular in the early 1900's they were our mascot not only in World War One, but World War Two as well. They were featured on recruiting and propoganda posters during this time period.
7. Sgt. Stubby. A Pit Bull war hero. Stubby was wounded in action twice, he saved his entire platoon by warning them of a poison gas attack and he single handedly captured a German spy.
8. Pete the Pup on the orginal Little Rascals was a Pit Bull.
9. Pit Bulls score an 83.4% passing rate with the American Temperament Test Society. That's better than the popular Border Collie (a breed who scores 79.6%). View the ATTS stats here.
10. They are dogs not killing machines.
I know that some of the people out there are still not convinced. You can't blame stupidity I guess.No matter what people say or think, I believe I have one of the greatest dogs in the world. Peanut brings fun and joy in our lives. She always knows when we are down and tends to always bring smiles to me and my wife. Not only does she bring joy to us, but also to our other family members and friends. Peanut is a young pup. She has a lot to learn. One day she'll be CGC (Canine Good Citizen) certified with the UKC (United Kennel Club). My goal is to have her become a therapy dog and a good abassador of the breed.
Peanut was rescued by my wife and I back in March of 2009 from the Los Angeles Harbor Animal Shelter. When my wife seen her, she immediatly fell in love. I will admit that I didn't. I didn't want a big dog, yet alone a pit bull. Yes I was misinformed too. After we adopted her, she grew on me immediatly. The first week was stressful. We had to get used to dog proofing the house and the socialization between Peanut and Coco (our cat) was pretty bad. Coco doesn't like Peanut. We thought it would be the other way around, but in this situation, Coco is the agressor (old man cat!!). After resucing her and learning to live with her, life was great. She's easily trainable and loves to just play!! We enjoy walks and playing tug-o-war and fetch. She still needs to work on her drop-toy command :-p. Overall she's a great dog. I can't imagine life without her now. I love taking her with me when I have to run errands and our monthly visit to the pet shop.
Even though there are some people that are scared of her, there are a ton of people who LOVE HER!! When we're crusing in my car and her head is sticking out, I gaurentee that there's somebody waving or calling her. When we go to the dog beach people always approach her and she lets them pet her. We always get compliments on how a pretty dog she is.
I think there is hope for this breed. It just takes some education and responsible owners to help spread the word about how great pit bulls can be. Take your time and read up on them. Then come and visit Peanut and me and I'll show you how great of an animal they are.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
RIP - Jacob

LONG BEACH - A Poly High student, who relatives said hoped to move away from his crime-plagued neighborhood in the Central Area, was killed and his female companion suffered a minor wound in a shooting early Tuesday morning.
Jacob Benavidez, 15, who was a sophomore last year, died shortly after he was taken to a local hospital with multiple shots to the torso.
The woman, who was visiting from out of town and whom police did not identify for her safety, was treated and released.
She was grazed in the torso by a bullet, according to her grandmother, who did not offer her name.
Police say at about 12:30 a.m. a male suspect walked up to the victims, who were chatting on a stoop off a driveway on the 1100
Police are investigating whether the shooting was gang-related.
By mid-morning after the shooting, a makeshift memorial has been set up outside the apartment where Benavidez was slain. A handful of flowers and candles were arranged, with cigarettes placed in the petals of some of the flowers, for Jacob. Amid the flowers was a picture taken New Year's Eve of Benavidez with two friends, including his best friend, Jesus Martin Cosio.
"He was one of the best guys in the world, man," Cosio said as he puffed on a cigarette.
The friend scoffed at the notion of Benavidez having gang ties.
"Nah, he was just a little white
dude," Cosio said with a laugh."He was a nice boy, he didn't gang bang, he just got shot," said Nieves Murillo, a step-cousin, as she stood with a small knot of family and friends near the memorial.
When asked if Benavidez had trouble with any person or group, Cosio joked, "Then only person he had a beef with was me. He owed me $10."
While Cosio may have been hiding his pain with humor, the mood in the neighborhood was somber.
A young man who purportedly held Benavidez as he lay dying on the sidewalk chose not to talk to a reporter. Others among a gathering of young men across the street from the memorial were similarly silent and dour.
Family members said Benavidez parents were grieving and unavailable for comment.
Murillo made an impassioned plea for the city to install more lights and even cameras to stem the violence in the neighborhood that is just a block northeast of Ernest McBride Park and Poly High.
She said Larry Green, killed in October 2008 in front of a liquor store just a block away on Alamitos Avenue, was a cousin of Benavidez.
Long Beach police confirmed Green and Benavidez were related but said the shootings did not appear connected. The Green shooting remains unsolved.
The violence drove Murillo to move to Orange County, although she grew up in Long Beach and still has most of her family in the neighborhood.
"I worry about my family and their lives," Murillo said. "Someone needs to make them stop the shootings and the violence and the killings," Murillo said. "I didn't want to raise my kids to be in this neighborhood, and I want to move my dad out really bad, I just don't have the money."
Neighbors and family described Benavidez as a friendly, playful young man.
"He would come in my dad's house every day," Murillo said.
When asked what she would remember of Benavidez, Murillo said "Happy stuff is what I remember. Now, we have pictures of him and memories, that's all we have."
Anyone with information is asked to call the homicide detail at 562-570-7244.
greg.mellen@presstelegram.com, 562-499-1291
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Theraful Thursday, Fishing Friday and Sigalert Saturday
I started to get a cold late Wednesday night, come Thursday it was a full blown day of sneezing and coughing. I hate getting sick but it never fails every summer. I guess its a combo of air conditioned office and the hot air outside. Whatever it is its always a drag. Well now that its Saturday I'm feeling a lot better. I still have a slight cough but its going away. That Theraflu stuff really works.
As for Friday, I finally went on a fishing trip. My friend Dan and I took a twilight trip on a boat off Huntington Beach. The bass and baracuda (aka cuda) we biting at first but since there were about 40 anglers and a crap load of boats out, the fish got tired of us. I only caught one bass. The seals and cudas kept on taking my bait so they screwed me up all night. Overall it was a fun trip. One day I'll be able to fish in Hawaiian, Alaskan or Cabo waters. That's when the big fish come in. I guess you can say I got one fish under my belt. Dan caught a couple bass and a cuda. He almost got 2 more barracudas but the bit his line. It was fun and I hope to go again.
So Saturday rolls around. It was my Goddaughters 4th birthday. I can't believe how fast time flies. Man it was a mission just to get out there. The party was out in Arcadia. That alone is a trek from where I live. So we drive out there on the 710 and I didn't know that the freeway has been going through major repairs. It was cut down to 3 lanes for a couple of miles. Every freeway we hit on the way over there was packed. It seemed like a weekday rush hour. Where the hell are all of these people going? Well at least we made it safe and made it home safe too.
So these three days were filled with medication, tissue boxes, live bait, birthday and brake dust. What a combo for one person. No matter what your health is like or no matter what size fish you catch, life will always give you a second chance. Take that cake and enjoy it! Watch the kids grow and think about the many blessings in your life. You never know, you might catch that yellow fin tuna sooner than you think!
G'nite and God bless
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Words of wisdom Wednesday - "in a pickle"
How to stay positive around negative people
Avoid negative people outright if you can. Sometimes that might be impossible. That negative person can be your boss or coworker. It can be a family member. But, whenever possible, try to limit your contact with that person. The less negativity you experience, the better.
Dwell on your accomplishments and not your failures. There will always be ups and downs in life, but by focusing on what you've accomplished, you'll be able to maintain your positive spirit even when others try to bring you down with their negativity.
When confronted by negative people, smile. Experts say that smiling puts you in a good mood. Smiling is a great way to disarm negative energy and it just might also send out some positive vibes to the people you're dealing with.
A negative person might also be hostile. Try not to meet their hostility with your own. Try to see things from their point of view, even if you disagree with their outlook. Empathy can go a long way in defusing any negativity you might feel toward this person.
Do things that make you feel good or relaxes you. Take a bubble bath, listen to soothing music, cook a delicious meal, or do anything else you can think of that will help you disarm any negativity you've dealt with that day.
Keep quotes or sayings with positive messages nearby. Tack them to your workspace or hang them in your kitchen. These messages can be gentle reminders that will help you maintain your positive outlook on life.
If you are a religious person, turn to your spirituality to help you remain positive. Pray, attend services, or even seek spiritual counseling
Count your blessings. No matter how much negativity you're surrounded by, whether in your own family or in your workplace, know that there are things you can appreciate and be positive about.
Thankful Tuesday
With that in mind, stay clear, be thankful for what you have and stay focused.
Good night,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Inspirational Quotes
Do you give your pets enough attention? Just like with family, the more time and love you give, the more you get back. So put the time in and your pet will teach you the best trick of all, unconditional love ~ Rev. Run
Brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want something badly enough. They are there to keep out the other people.
- Randy Pausch ( 1960-2008 )
If you can dream it, you can do it.
--Walt Disney
I’m not saying I have all the answers. I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. And I wish you my kind of success
-- Dicky Fox (Jerry Maguire's Mentor)
Tell me, do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
-- Don Vito Corleone (The Godfather)
Motivation Monday
Stay up, smile at a stranger, hug your loved ones and love yourself
Monday, July 20, 2009
First Audio Blog
Click to hear Audio Blog
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Are you bored?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I Bleed Blue
I remember going to a game when I was a kid. I actually got to shake hands with Pedro Guerruero, Steve Sax, Fernando Valenzuela and Mariano Duncan. Man what an honor to be greeted by some of baseball's greatest legends. To shake your heroe's hand is every boys dream. Since then I knew I would be true to Dodger blue.
Going to a game is a ritual to me. I always have to drive a certain path, arrive at a certain time and park at a particular spot (depends where my seats are). Then when I get there, I always make sure I bring my lucky glove, lucky hat and my Dodger jacket with my famous Dodger Dog mustard stain (yes, a stain I will never clean off because I got that stain the night the Dodgers hit a walk off home run in 2007). I arive at least an hour before the game. I mean, who doesn't want to watch batting practice. If our seats are nearby, I usually head to center field to catch the fly balls). Then we head to the food lines. 2 Dodger dogs, garlic fries and a beer, maybe a soda sometimes. Then off to our seats. Grub on the food before the National Anthem then its game time! Once the game starts its a whole new zone. All I can see is the field of dreams and the players. By the way, don't bother talking to me about random jibber jabber, there's no time for that, the Dodgers are playing for Christ sakes! Everybody and everything is zoned out. I only focus on one thing, the greatest sport of all time. You will catch me talking to myself. I might say things like, "what the fuck are you doing ump?" Or "hit that outta here Manny!" Or I could just be uttering some plays and pitches Joe should call. Come on, everybody is a baseball coach in some form. Maybe around the 3rd or 4th inning I'll wake up from the haze and catch a couple of bags of peanuts. I mean who doesn't eat peanuts at a baseball game? Then the 7th inning stretch comes, now its time to put my arms around my wife (who is the best Dodger fan that I know!) and all of those who are with me and just sing along and appreciate the sport's traditions and fan loyalty. "Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd...". If you don't know those words, you need to be kicked. After the 7th inning stretch, its time to gain focus again. There's more yelling, more cheering and booing. If we're down on runs, then its time to flip you hats inside out and wear that rally cap! Wear it proud too because it works! We don't need no fucking monkey to help us rally, all we need is heart and determination! Now if we're up, its time to cheer on our closer. Let's pay the bill and check out of here! Oh and no matter how much we're winning or losing by, you will never, ever see me leave a game early. I never have and I never will!! So when the game ends and its time to leave the stadium, I always feel proud no matter if we win or lose. Get out from your seat and file out of the stadium. Don't forget to high five the other fans. We win and fall together. As I look back and I always look at the field one last time before exiting the stadium, I always get that feeling of "man, what a great game". All of these emotions and senses mean a great thing. The same emotions and feelings since my first Dodger game. It will never die from me.
I had the opportunity to take my niece to her first game last year. Before the game, I took her to the gift shop and decked her out with the latest Dodger gear. Shirt, hat, Dodger plush animal, the works! Since then I've taken her to every game since. I notice that look in her eye now too. That same look I got when I went to games as a kid. It feels great to pass on that tradition. It feels great to know that I helped create a new loyal fan. Most important, it feels great to see the Dodger family grow. We all now bleed Dodger blue!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Little Too Extreme?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Death Of A King
It's been days now since Michael Jackson has passed away. The media is at an all high frenzy. This is the same media that wrote horrible stories about him for years. The same media that invaded his personal life. Now it is the same media that is honoring him. We've all read the papers and stories so I won't get into that. What I want to talk about is his music and what he meant to me.
Who in the world does not know who Michael Jackson is? I remember growing up and listen to his music. My vivid memory was hanging out at my cousin Alfred's house and watching the Thriller video over and over on VHS (yeah, VHS!!). It was the Thriller video where they showed the 'making of Thriller'. It was great to see Michael's thought process on how revolutionized the whole music industry. That was the begining of the change of music videos.
Other fond memories I have are just hanging out and playing some good ol Jackson 5 music. 'Who's Loving You' is my all time FAVORITE Jackson 5 song. Just hearing lil Mike wail on the vocals truely showed his compassion for that song. Like Smokey Robinson said on his memorial, how can a little boy of Michael's age know the true feeling of losing somebody. He portrayed that in the song.
Michael is the GREATEST ENTERTAINER THAT LIVED. I do not think there is anybody today that can top that. Maybe in the future there will be. Maybe one day God will bless the world with an entertainer that will affect people's hearts. Until then, thank Michael for the great songs and performances you have shared. Though your life was tarnished for a short amount of time, your generosity and heart felt gratitude speaks higher volumes. You now have your spot light on the big stage in Heaven.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Social Networking
For me, social networking is the best way I keep in touch with my family and friends. I have found many family members, friends from high school and old co-workers that I've lost contact with years ago. We have a big world, a world full of tasks, meetings, agendas and multi-tasking events. Who in today's world can keep up with friends and collegues? If it wasn't for Facebook, I would have lost touch with my cousin Cheryl who I haven't seen since I was five years old. My Auntie Lucy and Uncle Jim moved to Missouri back in the 80's and that was the last time I've seen or heard from Cheryl, Charlie and Jayne. Facebook has brought us together and now I get updates on how they're doing and best part, I get to see pics of them and their new families.
Facebook also allows me to get in touch with my local family members and ex-classmates. It's awesome to see what people are doing now for careers. My friend Shelly is now a pastry chef in a 5 star restaurant in NYC, my drum line buddy Kyle is into computers and has a beautiful family and it continues on and on.
However, I see how social networking can ruin lives. You hear the stories of people cheating on each other from people they meet on these sites. Or people getting fired because they called out sick at work and put an update on their site saying that they're headed to TJ in an hour...wtf!! People need to be wiser on what they put on these sites. Recently, a family was robbed because they post an update on their Facebook that they were going on vacation for a week or so. Somebody that read their update knew they were going to be gone and stole all of their personal belongings.
I've also noticed that a lot of immature kids have ruined some of these wonderful sites. I was a huge fan of mySpace back in 2003 and 2004 before it got really big. I used to be on mySpace, not to meet people and chat, but to follow up on a lot of underground bands that nobody has ever heard of. There were a lot of wonderful bands out there that were launched by mySpace, there's Bixby Knolls, The Wylde Bunch and many others. These were musicans that were trying to make it big and would play at a lot of local bars in my area. One day, all of these junior high kids and high school kids got on the site and it's been pretty shitty since. They would post a lot of stupid comments, send mass bulletins to everybody on who they're screwing or what they smoked. It was pretty stupid and gave mySpace a bad name. Not only were the kids immature, you had parents that would make fake accounts and pretend to hook up with another kid just to get revenge for their child that was picked on at school. Good going Lori Drew!!
Anyways, even though there's an evil side to these social networking sites, there are benefits. It's a good source of networking if you're looking for a job. I mean in today's job market, any source other than the classified ads helps. It's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Last but not least, it's a great way to kill time at work :)
Welcome To My New Blog :)
Please feel free to comment on my blogs. I'm building it as we go. As you can see on the right side of the page, my favorite links are displayed. Feel free to take a look at them. Soon I'll add some RSS feeds and polls.
So I guess I just want to catalog my life and I figured BLOGGER would probably be a good stuff. I mean, Jon and Kate recorded their lives and the story of how their kids grew up (they got rich and used TV), so I figured I can do it through blogger. I hope you enjoy my stories, information and random bullshit :)
Hope to hear from you soon!!